My Micro-farm
I haven't biking much this month. Took the month off because I had a balance on my Metrocard that needed to be used. I use the Wageworks system that replaced Transitchek for city employees, except that I give the card to my wife to use. She works for the NYC Dept. of Education and does not use it in the Summer, so I have extra months that are deducted from my pay that she cannot use. I saved them for the inclement weather months like February and early March. I anticipate cycling again this coming Monday. Meanwhile, I continue cooking and planting, which I consider consistent with bicycle commuting. In short, a life of simplicity and sustainability.
My latest effort has been the use of a 10 gallon aquarium as a mini-indoor farm. Okay it is quite the micro-farm, but I call it such because I am using to grow food--lettuce in particular. I think the future of farming is not only urban, but indoors. Rooftops are not enough for viable urban farming, though I do like the idea. I took the aquarium and taped white computer paper to three sides to serve as reflectors (I lay sheets of paper overhead also to reflect the light downwards as well.). I place the whole thing by the window to take advantage of whatever light I get, which isn't very much--I face Northwest. I placed recycled plastic strawberry containers with soil and compost from my worm bin inside and placed two compact fluorescent bulbs overhead. The are daylight bulbs in the 20W range. I planted the lettuce seeds and they've grown quite nicely. I got a very full bowl of salad from my first harvest, which took about three weeks. I was, I must say, impressed, especially since, while I had hopes, I didn't really know what to expect.
Labels: aquarium, farm, indoor farming, micro farm