Why should a cyclist like myself be so opposed to the bike share program that the Bloomberg Administration has put in place?
A. It is a unilateral, shameless, city-sponsored monopoly.
B. As if we have not had enough policy done TO us, rather than FOR us, now future bike policy will be dominated by the FOR-PROFIT company that runs this bike "share," just like car insurance companies control automobile policy. The city hopes to gain revenue, the corporation does as well, and it will own a sizable stake in the matter--up to 10,000 bicycles at up to 600 locations!
C. As a cyclist and city resident, my voice just got smaller.
D. I suppose that conceivably, insurance (bike share bikes come with it) and registration aren't far behind, which sucks because:
1. Cycling should be free.
2. Cycling is a low-cost transportation alternative for low-income people--always has been--and now that is threatened.
E. It is no one's business where I bike or when I bike and cycling is now being put "on the grid" so to speak (I could be wrong, but I think Alta's bikes will be equipped with GPS for tracking bike trips.). I don't Facebook, My Space, or pay my bills online--I am content to be just a person.
F. IF it is even modestly successful, then the bicycle traffic will be terrible and the city will have been successful in creating the worst kind of congestion. I know the targets are cars--foolishness--but it will impact serious bicycle commuters. The system wasn't broke and I don't get this business.
Labels: bicycle bike cycling, Bloomberg, free, GPS, insurance, monopoly, NYC Bike share, registration